parent coaching for teens with Dr. Cam

Don't just dream of a peaceful household, create it. Get the support you deserve to thrive with your teen.

parenting teens course with Dr. Cam
parent coaching for teens

Crash Course to Parenting Teens

This self-paced virtual course led by Dr. Cam, an adolescent psychologist and parent coach with over 20 years of experience, will equip you with the tools to build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with your teen.

  • Uncover the 4 key reasons behind teenager behavior problems: Bridge the communication gap and understand their motivations.
  • Master how to communicate with your teenager: Learn to truly listen, express yourself clearly, and foster open dialogue.
  • Set healthy boundaries & empower independence: Guide your teen while fostering their sense of responsibility and self-reliance.
  • Navigate common teen challenges: From screen time struggles to meltdowns and low motivation, gain effective strategies to address them with confidence.
  • ​Build a supportive & loving environment: Create a space where your teen feels secure, understood, and empowered to thrive.
parent coaching for teens proglram
parent coaching for teens academy

Thriving Parent Academy

Get weekly LIVE personalized support from Dr. Cam herself to fast-track building a relationship with your teenager filled with open communication and mutual respect.

The Thriving Parent Academy delivers:

  • Expert Parent Coaching (3x/month): Dr. Cam provides personalized guidance, strategies, and answers to your burning questions (live!).
  • Teen Behavior Decoded (Weekly Modules): Unlock the secrets to effective communication and connect with your teen on a deeper level.
  • VIP Accountability Group: Find your cheer squad, share experiences, and celebrate victories with supportive parents.
  • Essential Parent Toolkit: Access a treasure trove of practical resources for any parenting challenge, all in one place.
  • Exclusive Virtual Sanctuary: Explore a wealth of premium mental health resources and expert advice, whenever you need it.

Teen Counseling

Empower Your Teen

help with teenager
  • Anxiety & big emotions
  • ​Time-management & problem-solving
  • ​Mindset and self-esteem
  • ​Family & friend relationships

Family Counseling

Strengthen Your Connection

communicate with teenager
  • Rebuild communication & connection
  • ​Address behavioral issues
  • Cope with mental health challenges​
  • ​Navigate difficult life transitions

Parent Counseling

Parent with Confidence

parent coaching for teens
  • Master communication strategies
  • ​Tackle specific issues you’re facing with your teen
  • Learn effective strategies to navigate future challenges with confidence
Dr. Cam the Teen Translator

Looking for expert advice on raising teenagers? I'm Dr. Cameron Caswell, an adolescent psychologist, parent coach, author, TEDx speaker, and host of the popular podcast, Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam. (Bonus: I'm a mom of a teen myself! ) Pull up a virtual armchair and let's chat about navigating the exciting (and sometimes challenging) world of raising teens!

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